Shane Edwards • Sep 19, 2019

Forget Brexit - How to Launch Your Own Election Campaign!

With the threat of another general election looming over us JogPost thought it might be a good chance to take a look at your own election campaign. The way that you can put your message out and get people to vote for you by choosing to buy your product or service.

Delete, delete, delete.

There are lots of ways of getting your message out these days, Digital being one of the main methods. But as we’ve said before the shine is definitely going off digital message delivery as a sales email can be deleted with one click without one word of it ever being read. The trend is turning back to delivering the message by paper and that is where a well planned and executed leaflet campaign can win you the election, when people are choosing to buy goods or services that you supply.

Quality above all

There is no doubt that we are all guilty to some degree or judging a book by its cover. That is why it’s important that your leaflets reflect the quality of your election campaign, and win the voters over to what you have to offer. Always go for the best quality paper and finish that you can afford and at least initially employ an experienced copywriter to make sure that your message hits the spot. Yours will not be the only leaflets vying for attention, so the more professional and polished it can look, the better. If you actually are fighting a political election campaign then all the above applies but you will also need to make sure that displayed prominently are:

• The party you are representing
• Your name
• A good photo
• Your constituency area 
• The date of the election
• Ways to contact you
• Clear reasons why a voter should choose you
• A powerful call to action
• By law the promoter’s name and address (you or your agent) must be mentioned.

Coming through loud and clear

A cluttered leaflet is a leaflet that is heading straight for the bin. Concise and eye-catching is what is needed whether you are fighting a political campaign or a leaflet campaign to sell your goods and services.

One drop or more?

The saying ‘less is more’ is definitely not one that applies to leaflet campaigns. It can take several drops for your name and your service to register with a potential buyer. There is no doubt that the number of leaflet drops has a direct correlation to the eventual ROI because people take time to absorb information, and then to recall it when they are in need of what you have to offer. Having them put your leaflet aside, or be able to recall your name in conversation with a neighbour, is always going to be the aim.

Whether you are standing as a local candidate in any upcoming election or simply want to promote your goods and services for selection by people in your local area we hope you find these tips useful! Happy campaigning! 

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