Shane Edwards • Nov 18, 2019

Less is More

At JogPost we know that leaflet distribution decreased by around 11% some five years ago. That is some five billion leaflets! Disaster you might think, but you’d be wrong. Within the leaflet industry this is actually not something to worry about at all.  

Selective Distribution

An article back in 2013 in The Journal* pointed out that where leaflet distribution was concerned investment was being made by clients into the industry, in a different way, thanks to companies like JogPost through a process that is called ‘selective distribution’. What this means in plain language is that rather than wasting money energy and time on the distribution of leaflets to people who are not going to be interested in the product or service offered, companies like JogPost can ensure that your leaflet drop and your product or service is targeted correctly to the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Making sure that targeting is specific to the type of customer that fits your demographic will make your leaflet campaign much more efficient and relevant. This, of course, will lead to an outcome that is the success that you need it to be. 

Hitting the Target

Targeting the correct audience means that when your leaflets arrive through the door it will be less likely to find its way straight into the rubbish bin but will, instead, find itself in pride of place under a fridge magnet or on the mantelpiece so that it’s handy for future reference.
A Contender

Given that we know that leaflet distribution is now a serious contender in any advertising campaign, the fact that the article in The Journal pointed out that there had been an overall drop in money invested in leafleting all the way back in 2013, shows that what they said was true. It is the re-channelling of resources into companies like ours that is taking up the reigns and generating ROI for customers.

Email Shmemail

We’ve said before that email marketing has its limitations in the fact that very often an obvious marketing email will be deleted without ever being opened (We’ve all done it!). With a leaflet campaign you can at least be sure that the recipient will see your leaflet, as they physically have to pick it up off the doormat! After that it’s a matter of making it eye-catching and offering something that your target audience want or is motivated to keep to one side because they think they will need it later. 

At JogPost we are always ready to help our customers design just the right leaflet campaign for their business. The success of our business relies on the success of yours so we’re always looking for ways to ensure that when you undertake your leaflet marketing campaign, you hit the right audience at the right time with the right offering. Contact us now to see what we can do for your business with a targeted leaflet drop in your area.

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