Door to Door Leaflet Distribution

For more than 10 years JogPost has been revolutionising the door to door leaflet distribution industry, typically achieving as much as 3 times the results of other companies. Is it any wonder we’re the top rated company in The UK?

It takes 7 - 10 hours to distribute 1000 leaflets if you’re WALKING…
Minimum wage is £7.83 an hour.
Why JogPost?

As the first and only company to use jogging distributors we’ve solved the main problem in the industry - staff wages. Because our distributors move twice as fast and deliver twice as many leaflets we can pay them enough money to finish the job. It takes 7-10 hours to distribute 1000 leaflets if you’re walking. 

Minimum wage is £7.83. Companies with walking distributors would have to charge £80 per 1000 leaflets to complete the job, and that’s without any supervision or profit. 

It is IMPOSSIBLE to do the job for cheaper than we charge.

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Door to Door Leaflet Distribution With Ride-Along

Join us on a Ride-along and see your distribution happen in real time. Meet the joggers and ride around in the supervisor's car to get a full understanding of our incredible back checking systems. 

See the GPS tracking on the iPad and understand how we monitor and back check all the distributions to make sure you get the best possible results from your campaigns.

Select Your Coverage

We use advanced Geoplan software to target those streets and households that most closely match your customer profile. You may, for example, opt for specific streets or districts, exclude flats, opt for council houses only, or exclude them altogether. 

In addition we can take a thinking approach – for example targeting houses with south-facing roofs for a company selling solar panels.

Blanket Delivery

The most cost-effective option, this allows you to target all households in a given area. With just 24 hours notice we can deliver to up to 30,000 households within the M25 in one day. 

Give us a week’s notice and we can increase that figure to 250,000 in a single day with door to door leaflet distribution. You’ll find it’s not just faster than anyone else but better – greatly increasing overall impact. Plus you can see for yourself how well it works, thanks to our unique Ride Along® Service.

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FAQs: Door to Door Leaflet Distribution

  • What is door to door leaflet distribution?

    Door to door leaflet distribution is a marketing strategy that involves delivering promotional materials, such as flyers or leaflets, directly to the homes or businesses of your target audience. It's a cost-effective way to reach potential customers in a specific geographic area.

  • How does door to door leaflet distribution work?

    Our door to door leaflet distribution service involves carefully planning a distribution route, hiring trained professionals, and delivering your marketing materials to every doorstep within the chosen area. We ensure that your message reaches your intended audience effectively.

  • Why should I choose door to door leaflet distribution for my business?

    Door to door leaflet distribution offers a personalised and tangible approach to marketing. It allows you to target a specific geographic location, making it ideal for local businesses looking to increase brand awareness, promote events, or boost sales within a specific area.

  • What types of businesses can benefit from this service?

    Door to door leaflet distribution is versatile and can benefit various types of businesses, including restaurants, real estate agencies, retail stores, local service providers, and event organizers. Any business looking to reach a local audience can benefit from this service.

  • How can I ensure my leaflets are delivered accurately and reliably?

    We take accuracy and reliability seriously. Our trained distributors follow strict guidelines to ensure every leaflet is delivered as intended. Additionally, we use tracking and monitoring systems to provide our clients with transparency and peace of mind.

  • Can I customise my leaflet distribution campaign?

    Yes, you can customiae your leaflet distribution campaign based on your specific goals and budget. We offer options for targeting specific neighborhoods, choosing the distribution schedule, and designing eye-catching leaflets to maximize the impact of your campaign.

  • What kind of results can I expect from door to door leaflet distribution?

    The results of your campaign will depend on various factors, including the quality of your leaflet design, the relevance of your offer, and the appeal of your message to your target audience. We can work with you to set realistic goals and track the effectiveness of your campaign through response rates and customer feedback.

    If you have any more questions or would like to discuss a door to door leaflet distribution campaign for your business, feel free to contact us.

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